There is nothing like the province of Groningen so they say, and that is true! Groningen is one of the oldest man-made landscapes in Europe, an under-the-radar gem. Wilgenheerd estate lies to the north-west of the city of Groningen. The area borders the Wadden Sea and the Lauwersmeer National Park. The rugged landscape is criss-crossed by numerous footpaths and cycle paths, meadows and gullies and meandering ribbons of picturesque villages. The Hogeland breathes tranquility and purity.
Explore Groningen
Get a breath of fresh air!
The Hogeland
Hiking a stretch of the Pronkjewailpad, supping to Eenrum, dining in the famous Café Hammingh at the Reitdiep, listening to a concert in the old church of Ezinge, spotting birds in the Lauwersmeer National Park, visiting the medieval Borg Verhildersum, spending a day on beautiful Schiermonnikoog or make a tour on one of the enormous potato farms in the area. Just a selection….

Out and about
Many walking-, cycling- and boating routes start from Wilgenheerd. Download them via The routes have all been compiled by ourselves and can be found under Wilgenheerd. Download the Waddenland app for the nicest interactive thematic cycling-walking-sailing routes, with stories about the Hogeland and its inhabitants.

Half an hour’s drive away is the old bursting city of Groningen, where you can enjoy a nice day’s shopping, visit the Groninger Museum or the remarkable Forum. You will experience Groningen in a completely different way if you take the city walk past old courtyards and through quiet places in the city. On the Frisian side of the Lauwersmeer lies the attractive town of Dokkum. A little further away, Leeuwarden with its beautiful old centre is also worth a visit!

Less than 10 km from Wilgenheerd estate, you are on the Wadden dike and have a view of perhaps the most beautiful nature reserve in the Netherlands: the Unesco Wadden Sea World Heritage Site. From the dyke, you can look over the salt marshes and sandbanks, discover the power of the tides and, in the distance, see Schiermonnikoog, a real must-do! Pieterburen and Noordpolderzijl are starting points for a tough mud-flat walking adventure.

Lauwersmeer National Park
This area is increasingly being discovered by nature lovers. There are beautiful walks to be made where you can spot the most beautiful birds in the meantime, even the white-tailed eagle! Visit the old fishing village of Zoutkamp or eat fish at the lively harbour of Lauwersoog. It is special to enjoy the darkness at night; Lauwersmeer is a ‘Dark Sky’ park. Would you like to go on the water of the Lauwersmeer? There are plenty of opportunities there too!